Funeral Planning: 3 Things to Decide with Your Loved One

It may sound a little bit morbid to some, but planning a funeral ahead of time (and before someone dies) is a great way to save a family from the stress, financial strain, and burden of having to do it after death. If you and your family are currently planning a funeral, this article will list three things that you should talk to your loved one about. Are you ready to learn some more? If so, then read on. 

Cremation or Burial

The first thing you will want to talk to your loved on about is whether they want a cremation or a burial. Talk to them about what it means to do both. For instance, you can tell them that cremation is usually a lot more affordable because you won't have to worry about paying for a burial site and casket. However, if you have different religious beliefs, then they may not allow you to be cremated. If your loved one isn't sure which option they prefer, then consider taking them both to a crematory and a cemetery so that they can see first hand what their options are. 

Funeral Services

Once they have deiced in a cremation or a burial, then you can talk a little bit more about funeral services. What kinds of services do they want? Do they want people to talk at the services? Do they want to have a musical number? Or, do they want a service where people say a brief memory about them? They can also determine which funeral home to host the funeral. Either way, it's nice to know exactly what kind of service they are hoping for and then you can plan everything ahead of time so that everything is ready.

Religious or Non-Religious

Even if your loved one is a really religious person, they may not want to have a religious funeral planned. Ask them what they want out of it. Ask them if they prefer to have a religious undertone or if they would like to keep that separate. Once you know this, then you can really plan the entire funeral around it. 

Now that you know a few things that you should talk to your loved one about when planning their funeral, you can hopefully get everything planned out as soon as possible. If you want a little bit of help with everything, then reach out to a funeral home near you. 
