Practical Ways To Personalize The Memorial Service That You Pre-Plan

As much as you love your family, you may not want them to plan your funeral. For example, they may not know your preferences in prayers and music. They may not even know how to eulogize you in a meaningful way. As such, instead of leaving details up to them, you can pre-plan your final services now. You can include ways to personalize your memorial service so that it reflects the person that you were and is meaningful to those you leave behind.

Choosing Photos of Yourself

It is common for a memorial service to feature pictures of the deceased. These pictures typically highlight the best moments of the person's life and show them with their friends and family members.

To ensure that the best pictures of you are shown at your memorial service, you can pick out what ones that you want to be displayed or used in a remembrance video of you. You can provide the funeral home in charge of your plans with copies of the pictures and ask that they be displayed at your memorial service.

Selecting Prayers 

You can also choose what prayers will be used in the memorial service. For example. you may have specific religious beliefs that you want your service to abide by. As such, you may not want to risk another religion's prayers or practices being used to memorialize you.

The funeral home in charge of your plans can make note of what prayers and practices that you want to include in your memorial service. You can also select the religious readings and songs that you want played during your funeral.

Choosing Your Resting Place

Finally, when you pre-plan your memorial service, you can choose where you would like to be laid to rest. You may have a specific preference in where you want to be buried. For example, you may want to be buried in a plot in a religiously-affiliated cemetery instead of one that is run by the city or county. Alternatively, you may prefer to be buried in a vault rather than in the ground. You can choose your final resting place and pay for it, along with the other costs of your memorial service, to be sure that your wishes are carried out accordingly.

You can pre-plan and personalize your own memorial service. You can choose your own pictures, prayers, and your final resting place. For more information, contact a memorial planning service.
