Tips For Offering Memory Stones At A Funeral

A special touch that you can offer at a funeral for a loved one is to give attendees the option of writing down a memory about the person who has passed. Traditionally, a stack of index cards and a jar of pens can allow you to execute this idea, but you might want to take an approach that is a little different. Memory stones can be a good idea — a series of stones left on a table in the room can give people a creative medium for writing a brief recollection or sentiment. If you want to pursue this idea, here are some tips to follow.

Choosing The Stones

You can either buy stones at craft stores or perhaps even find them outdoors in your area. In the latter scenario, you'll want to wash and dry the stones thoroughly before use. Think of how many people you expect to attend the funeral service; you can check with the funeral director to learn how many seats the room you'll be using can hold. You don't want to fail to have enough stones for your guests, but you should also realize that some couples may write a common message on just one stone, rather than separate messages on two stones. This means that you don't have to have as many stones as your expected number of attendees, in theory.

Choosing The Writing Utensils

Permanent markers are the right choice for putting messages on the stones. You should buy a significant number of markers and display them on the table with the stones so that numerous people can write messages at the same time. Too few markers can create a backlog of people around the table, and this may cause some funeral attendees to skip writing a message for you and your family. If your stones are light gray or brown, a black permanent marker is good. If you have smooth, black stones, which are common in craft stores, gold or silver marker works well.

Think About Displaying Them

After people have written on a stone, they can place it in a receptacle. One choice is a large glass vase, which will not only create a nice focal point at the funeral service but also be a cherished decoration in your home in the months and years ahead. You'll need to select the right size of vase for the stones; you don't want the stones being too large that only half of them can fit into the vase.

For more information, contact a company like Shepherd Funeral Home.
